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Artwork of Jim Melton

"Laser on the Beach" Watercolor
"Hope Town" North Beach study watercolor
"Peat's Dream" Watercolor


"Sunset Drama" watercolor  
"Howard Park" watercolor
"Sunset Rays" watercolor
Biography of Jim Melton


For 11 years, in the 70's and 80's, my wife, Viena and I ran The Studio Gallery in our home town, Andover, Ohio. I taught drawing and painting at the gallery, at the Ashtabula Art Center, and at the Conneaut Community Center. For a period of 8 months I was commissioned to do drawings and paintings of Ashtabula County, 24 paintings and 45 pencil and pen and ink drawing were delivered matted and framed by me.
The rest of my career has been devoted to designing for companies, General Electric, large screen TVs; American Greetings, display design manager. In 1994 I moved to Florida and designed for Luhrs & Mainship Motor Yachts in St. Augustine, Fl. While there I also made boat deliveries to the Bahamas and in 2000 I designed Mega Yachts for Lazzara Yachts in Tampa, Fl. until 2009.
I am a traditional watercolorist. I use Arches 150 to 300 lb. papers, high quality trnsparent pigments with no black or white pigments. The whites are the paper. I paint with Winsor Newton Series 7 sable brushes to insure quality resutlts. I paint primary landscapes and seascapes that convey a feeling in me that makes a strong connection to the outside world. I attenpt to express that feeling in my work to others. I am inspired by Gods World in all it's majesty. I have a Bachelors of Fine Arts and a Master of Industrial Design degrees. I have been strongly influensed by the impressionist of the past. Although I have designed may products over the years, from TV, displays, furniture, and mega yachts, I find the greatest challenge and satisfaction for me is painting watercolors.

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